Professional Development Training
Why NOW is the Perfect Time to Implement a School-Wide SEL Professional Development Training? A school-wide SEL program with explicit instruction and professional development training allows school communities to harness and maximize those benefits. It provides a shared experience and vocabulary that allows anyone in the school community—students, educators, and parents—to get onboard with social-emotional.
Implement Recent SEL Recommendations
Social Success in Schools Can Help Implement CASEL’s Recent SEL Recommendations. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) recently highlighted recommendations to help schools return to the at-school learning environment next year. In a new resource titled Leveraging The Power of Social-Emotional Learning As You Prepare To Reopen and Renew Your School Community, CASEL suggests ways to meet the social-emotional needs of the entire school community; students, teachers, and parents, as everyone makes this transition.
Social-Emotional Learning a Top Priority
Kids Want to be Loved, Accepted, Affirmed and Challenged during School Closures. Let’s Make Social-Emotional Learning a Top Priority During School Closures. The new normal COVID-19 demands are anything but normal. Certainty has shifted to uncertainty, and for educators, school closures have completely rewritten their job descriptions along with their daily schedules. Moving curriculum into the virtual realm has educators at every level reevaluating their priorities. Educating children has never been solely about academic content, as evidenced by that empty space they feel as they try to connect with students from behind their computer screens.